
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Register Part 2

Note that this item is a direct continuation of the Register Part 1. Settings can be done for Voucher, Reference and Statistics number; the minimum allowed age of registering a new client; as well as whether the Client Registration and account number can be modified.

How define the settings for the registration fees

To continue with the settings for the registration fees under Register Part 2, go to System/Configuration/Register Part 2. The following screen will be appear;

Note that no transaction will proceed if it has the same voucher number as one already used even if it is for different client of module in LPF.

1. For the "Word to export client's data" to work, ensure that there is an empty word document in the folder created before you click the file button to access that directory.

2. Once this path has been set up, then the "send to word" button under Client/Individual clients/Identification becomes active.

3. At client registration of new clients you can then click the "Send to Word" button and select folder in the directory selected under Number 1 above.

Click the Save button to save the details or the Close to exit.

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